Periodontology is concerned with treating the supporting tissue of the tooth: the periodontium, composed of the gingiva, the periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone that supports the tooth.
First, it must be said that it is possible to avoid the onset of problems related to periodontitis through regular daily hygiene measures, periodic dental checks and regular professional tooth cleaning performed by a hygienist.
Signs that the patient should look out for are: bleeding gums during normal tooth brushing (in smokers this is greatly masked by the effect of nicotine causing vasoconstriction), unnatural displacement of teeth (migrations), diffuse gingival pain or gum swelling with the presence of bad breath. The cause of periodontitis is the accumulation of plaque and tartar deposited on the teeth near the gingiva. At first this causes a slight gingival inflammation (redness) and then bleeding appears when the gum tissue suffers the first lesions: this is called gingivitis. This is completely reversible if the right therapies are applied, and the patient is motivated to care for their teeth in the future. As bacteria migrate into the subgingival area, progressive detachment of the gingiva is observed and the bone begins to deteriorate giving the appearance of pockets, commonly called periodontitis (or pyorrhea). In this case, the damage to the bone is permanent and only in some cases is it possible, through special regeneration techniques, to partially recover the destroyed hard tissue. In this phase, the disease generally evolves slowly and without any particular pain, leading to increasingly loose teeth and even loss. Poor oral hygiene or incorrect cleaning technique can lead to periodontitis. The course of the disease and the susceptibility of the periodontium to bacterial infection can be affected by other factors, such as a weakened immune system, smoking, diabetes and other general diseases. Periodontitis, on the other hand, can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, premature birth or respiratory disease, and worsen established diabetes.
Fiorenzo Fraschina
Via San Gottardo 10
6900 Lugano
+41 (0)91 921 01 71