This relates in particular to wisdom teeth that need to be extracted for various reasons such as malposition, caries or abscess. Our more than 35 years of experience in surgery allows us to ensure that patients experience minimal discomfort following the procedure. With proper anaesthesia of the region, extraction is absolutely painless and the patient will experience only a slight swelling for a few days after the surgery. In areas where sensitive structures, such as the inferior alveolar nerve, are in close contact with the tooth to be extracted, we use a piezoelectric scalpel, which prevents damage to the nerve structures by applying ultrasound.
Piezoelectric surgery simply involves using a scalpel that employs the principle of ultrasonic waves to cut through the bone with micrometric precision, preserving the adjacent soft tissue, reducing bleeding, promoting faster healing with fewer bruises and reducing postoperative pain. Piezoelectric surgery in dentistry has a wide range of applications with excellent results.
These include:
Perform simple extractions of fractured teeth or roots within the bone, such as avulsion of impacted wisdom teeth and/or in dysodontiasis;
Take small bone grafts for corrective regeneration of atrophic alveolar ridges;
Removing cysts or infected tissue around the teeth;
Intervening to raise the maxillary sinuses in case of implantology.
Apical resectioning and back filling
Root canal care is carried out by removal of necrotic tissue within the root canals of the affected tooth. There may be only one relatively straight channel, as for example in the incisors, or three or four channels in the molars with much more complex and sometimes unpredictable morphologies. During the therapy we prepare the main channels, but sometimes many thin secondary channels or branches in the apical area of the tooth prevent us from sealing them fully. This can lead to the tooth not healing. In these cases, it is necessary to intervene by dissecting 2/3 mm of the root apex and placing a filling at the entrance of the channels. To reach the apex of the tooth, a small amount of bone must be removed in the apical area and the tooth must be partially released. When nerve or vascular structures are present, we use a piezoelectric scalpel that preserves and does no damage to these structures.
In the case of implant placement in the upper jaw where there is a lack of bone height, the sinus membrane can be lifted and a bone substitute grafting material inserted. This process makes it possible to increase the height of the maxillary bone by providing a more stable base for the placement of dental implants.
Fiorenzo Fraschina
Via San Gottardo 10
6900 Lugano
+41 (0)91 921 01 71